Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tamara de Lempicka Two Friends

Tamara de Lempicka Two FriendsTamara de Lempicka The Green TurbanTamara de Lempicka Summer
walked back to the door.
'Sorry to have bothered you,' he said, and left.
Zorgo's patient watched him go with interest.
'Didn't he have a crossbow?' he said. 'Bit odd, going after interesting rare butterflies with a crossbow.'
Zorgo readjusted the fit of the grid on his patient's bald head.
'Dunno,' he said, 'I , and laughed.
'Well, I mean, the ground is . . . so much . . . closer . . .'
She felt a pit opening wider with every word. The noise level had suddenly dropped again.
'Er,' said Carrot, staring fixedly at her. 'How can I put thissuppose it stops them creating all these damn thunderstorms.' He picked up the mallet again. 'Now, what were we going for today? Decisiveness, yes?''Yes. Well, no. Maybe.''Right.' Zorgo took aim. 'This,' he said with absolute truth, 'won't hurt a bit.' It was more than just a delicatessen. It was a sort of dwarf community centre and meeting place. The babble of voices stopped when Angua entered, bending almost double, but started up again with slightly more volume and a few laughs when Carrot followed. He waved cheerfully at the other customers.Then he carefully removed two chairs. It was just possible to sit upright if you sat on the floor.'Very . . . nice,' said Angua. 'Ethnic.''I come in here quite a lot,' said Carrot. 'The food's good and, of course, it pays to keep your ear to the ground.''That'd certainly be easy here,' said Angua

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