Thursday, March 5, 2009

Edward Hopper Portrait of Orleans

Edward Hopper Portrait of OrleansEdward Hopper Pont du Carrousel in the FogEdward Hopper Painter and ModelEdward Hopper Office in a Small City
smug air.
But he had got in, once, long ago. Rincewind the student had pushed at the door as kindly as it could manage. 'Just go and find us a wizard, there's a good fellow.'
Rincewind took a deep breath.
'Stand back,' he rasped.
'Find something to hide behind,' he barked, with his voice shaking only slightly. 'You too,' he said to Bethan and Twoflower.
'But you can't —'
'I mean it!'
'He means it,' said Twoflower. 'That little vein on the side of his forehead, you know, when it throbs like that, well —'
'Shut up!'
Rincewind , which looked very sheepish.
He considered the air around the door itself, how it miraised one arm uncertainly and pointed it at the door.There was total silence.Oh gods, he thought, what happens now?In the blackness at the back of his mind the Spell shifted uneasily.Rincewind tried to get in tune or whatever with the metal of the lock. If he could sow discord amongst its atoms so that they flew apart —Nothing happened.He swallowed hard, and turned his attention to the wood. It was old and nearly fossilised, and probably wouldn't burn even if soaked in oil and dropped into a furnace. He tried anyway, explaining to the ancient molecules that they should try to jump up and down to keep warm —In the strained silence of his own mind he glared at the Spellght best be twisted into weird shapes so that the door existed in another set of dimensions entirely.

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